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Agrinvest - Camioane

Agrinvest Deposits

The activity is currently underway in 17 deposits, with a capacity of over 260 thousand tons, Located in the counties of Buzau, Giurgiu, Galati, Tulcea, Braila, Prahova, Teleorman, Ialomita, Arges, Vaslui and with great possibilities of opening and other deposits on a larger geographical area. The activity is supported by modern means, in accordance with European legislation:

  • Electronic weighing systems and data recording;
  • Integrated system with automatic registration of transactions Grains workstations;
  • Cereals analytical laboratories;
  • Modern conditioning systems.

The company has financial and material possibilities for the purchase of large quantities of cereals and technical plants, a major advantage for farmers whereby the payment of the products is done immediately after their receipt.

Agrinvest buys and commercializes all types of basic agricultural crops: wheat, barley, sunflower, corn, rapeseed and soybeans. Agrinvest representatives are constantly available for farmers, providing high quality inputs, logistic and silo services, pre-financing packages, as well as consultancy regarding crops and surfaces that must be established and the necessary quality of the crops. Thus, the agricultural products purchased meet specific needs defined by the processing industry.

Cetate Deposit (Cetate commune, Dolj County)

Acquired in 2013, it benefits from a storage capacity of 7.000 tons.
It is fitted for activities of:

  • reception, storage, conditioning and delivery of cereals and technical plants;
  • delivery of certified seeds and plant protection products.
Soimu Mihaela, deposit chief & manager 40786.222.280

Harta silozuri Agrinvest

We have warehouses in:


Storage facilities are spread over a large geographical area and are easily accessible.

       DEPOSIT ADDRESS Total Surface(m2) CAPACITY (TO)
MIHAILESTI ** Mihãilesti, Buzãu County
FULGA ** Fulga de Jos, Prahova County
TRAIAN Traian, Brãila County
FOLTESTI * Foltesti, Galati County
VEDEA ** Vedea, Giurgiu County
GRADISTEA * Grãdistea, Comana commune,
Giurgiu County
VALEA NUCARILOR Valea Nucarilor, Tulcea County
SLOBOZIA MANDRA Slobozia -Mandra,
Teleorman County
CETATE Cetate, Dolj County
SARATUICA * Balaciu, Ialomita County
STREJNIC * Strejnic, Prahova County
STIUBEI Stiubei, Buzãu County
BARAITARU ** Bãrãitaru, Prahova County
BALACI */** Balaci, Teleorman County
STOLNICI * Stolnici, Argeş County
POGOANELE * Pogoanele, Buzau County
CRETESTI Cretesti, Vaslui County
TOTAL: 17 DEPOSITS 261.600
* deposits which have access to rail freight transport.
** deposits which have dryer